2022 G2 India Software Buyer Behavior Report

Build transparency and trust in the age of the buyer.

Get your free report that charts a software landscape moving towards buyer control and increasingly dependent on trust. Learn four golden truths you need to know for success in 2022 and beyond.

  • Early stage experiences shape relationships.
  • The purchasing process is more complex.
  • Security innovation is outpacing adoption.
  • Disjointed trust muddies the buying process.
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Top three buying considerations.


Ease of implementation

ROI within 6 months

We surveyed hundreds of Indian software buyers and mapped how software buying is changing.

28% of buyers use tools to track software adoption.

69% of software contracts are six months or less.

89% of companies have buying committees that influence buying decisions.

82% of buyers conduct research and consider alternatives when a product is up for renewal.

A whole new buying world.

Address diverse buyer needs and overcome a crisis of trust. Access G2’s proprietary data and analysis, as reported by buyers themselves.

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Trust is cumulative. Create more of it.