
G2 is ready to support you in your exciting business updates - from product mergers to company acquisitions and more.

G2 wants to ensure that your brand is accurately represented after acquisitions or mergers are complete. Below is a highlight of what we will support, and what we need to execute the updates to match your brand strategy.


The G2 Research team requires the below before actioning any profile changes:

- A PR statement speaking to the merger or acquisition
- Proof that the acquisition / merger has been completed (see identification signal examples below for what that proof might look like)






Notify your G2 Owner (RM, CSM, or AE) by providing a recap of the changes, product consolidations, timing expectations

Celebrate with you!

PR Announcement

Provide URL to G2

G2 Owner to submit a case for Research to review

Research Evaluation

Provide any additional information that may help G2 Research determine the outcome of the acquisition/merger. 

- Will the updated product have the same functionality?

- Where will prior customers go today? To the acquiring product or a new product?

- When is the website transitioning?

- Is a product being depreciated or merged? (If being merged, is the full functionality of the product being merged included in the product that will continue to be sold?)

G2 Research to evaluate the acquisition/merger based on the materials provided and additional research. G2 Research will update profiles and move reviews if/as necessary based on the determined outcome of the acquisition/merger.

Partner Updates

G2 recommends that after a merger or acquisition, partners consider how the below will be updated (if applicable):

Vendor Profile
Name changes, URL changes, logo changes, branding, invalidation, products

Product Profile
Name changes, descriptions, URL changes, logo changes, branding, invalidation, vendor




Identification Signal Examples

Financial Acquisition

A financial firm has acquired the vendor / product

Acquired organization maintains separate web presence; acquiring organization is a known venture capital firm

Subsidiary Acquisition

An organization acquires another and the acquired organization maintains independent business operations

Acquired organization acknowledges parent company but maintains separate leadership and web presence.

Division Acquisition

An organization acquires another and the acquired organization does not maintain independent business operations

Website of acquired organization may be listed as “A Division of (acquiring organization)”; Careers page redirects to that of the acquiring organization

Full Merge

An acquired organization is entirely absorbed into the acquiring organization

Web presence of acquired organization is removed or entirely redirects to acquiring organization

Product Merge

The features of an acquired product are combined with an existing product

Product A no longer exists but Product B now includes functionality from Product A

Review of Policy

Ongoing review and approval of this policy will be conducted by G2 Research.