Scoring Methodologies
G2 lists, categorizes, and scores products and vendors based on a foundational set of guidelines, methodologies, and definitions to help bring transparency into B2B buying.
Grid Scoring Methodologies
G2 scores products and vendors based on reviews gathered from our user community, as well as data aggregated from online sources and social networks. We apply a unique algorithm to this data to calculate the customer Satisfaction and Market Presence scores in real time.
Satisfaction Score
The Satisfaction rating is affected by the following:
- Customer satisfaction with end user-focused product attributes based on user reviews
- For services providers: Satisfaction with client-focused provider attributes based on client reviews
- Popularity and statistical significance based on the number of reviews received by G2
- Quality of reviews received (reviews that are more thoroughly completed will be weighted more heavily)
- Age of reviews (more-recent reviews provide relevant and up-to-date information that is reflective of the current state of a product or service provider)
- Customers' satisfaction with administration-specific product or provider attributes based on user reviews
- Overall customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score® (NPS)* based on ratings by G2 users
Note: The customer Satisfaction score is normalized for each Grid®, meaning the scores are relative.
Market Presence Score
G2's Market Presence score is a combination of 15 metrics from G2's user reviews, publicly available information, and third-party sources.
Both the software vendor and the individual product are measured on various criteria. The criteria are listed below in order of importance. Product metrics receive greater weight than vendor metrics.
Note: Each input is normalized by category and segment. This means that scores are relative to other products in the category/segment and may change from segment to segment. The scores are then scaled from 0–100.
The Market Presence rating is affected by the following:
- Number of Employees
- Reviews (weighted by recency)
- Web Presence
- Social Presence
- Growth
- Vendor Age
- Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Grid® Decay
To keep G2's algorithms fresh and up to date, a decay is applied to reviews based on their last updated date. Reviews are worth less toward both the Satisfaction score and the Market Presence score as they age.
The exponential decay is compounded daily. The rate roughly equates to -3% per month or -30% per year.
Reviews also receive bonus weight based on the source and quality of the review. Bonus weights are internal to G2.
Segmented Grid® Methodology
When viewing Grids® by segment size, the same Grid® scoring methodology applies. However, the review data used is only from reviewers who are employed by a company within a particular company segment. G2 uses the following definitions for company segments:
Small-Business review: A review from someone who works at a company with 50 or fewer employees
Mid-Market review: A review from someone who works at a company with 51–1,000 employees
Enterprise review: A review from someone who works at a company with 1,001+ employees
Segmented Market Presence scores measure both the scale of a product within a category as well as the degree to which the product focuses on a given segment.
Index Scoring Methodologies
We apply a unique, patent-pending algorithms to G2 data to calculate the Index scores on key purchasing factors including usability, results, implementation, and relationship. The information shown reflects scores calculated using the G2 index algorithms v1.0.
Usability Index
The Usability score is affected by the following (in order of importance):
- Customer satisfaction with the ease of use for each product based on reviews by G2 users
- Customer satisfaction with the ease of admin for each product based on reviews by G2 users
- Customer responses to the Meets Requirements question on G2
- User adoption percentage based on reviews and by G2 users
- The number of reviews received on G2; buyers trust a product with more reviews, and a greater number of reviews indicates a more representative and accurate reflection of the customer experience
Results Index
The Results score is affected by the following (in order of importance):
- Customers' estimated ROI for the product based on reviews by G2 users
- Customers' reported time to go live with the product based on reviews by G2 users
- Customers' satisfaction with the product's ability to meet their requirements based on reviews by G2 users
- Customers' likelihood to recommend each product based on reviews by G2 users
- User adoption percentage based on reviews and by G2 users
- The number of reviews received on G2; buyers trust a product with more reviews, and a greater number of reviews indicates a more representative and accurate reflection of the customer experience
Implementation Index
The Implementation score is affected by the following (in order of importance):
- Customer satisfaction with the set-up process for each product based on reviews by G2 users
- Amount of time (in months) required for each product to go live based on reviews by G2 users
- User adoption percentage based on reviews and by G2 users
- Implementation method used by customers according to answers by G2 users
- The number of reviews received on G2; buyers trust a product with more reviews, and a greater number of reviews indicates a more representative and accurate reflection of the customer experience
Relationship Index
The Relationship score is affected by the following (in order of importance):
- Customer satisfaction with the ease of doing business with each product based on reviews by G2 users
- Customer satisfaction with the quality of support based on reviews by G2 users
- Customer response to the Likely to Recommend question on G2
- The number of reviews received on G2; buyers trust a product with more reviews, and a greater number of reviews indicates a more representative and accurate reflection of the customer experience
Other Scoring Methodologies
Momentum Score
Each variable is normalized by category and aggregated to create a Momentum score. The inputs impacting G2's Momentum score are as follows:
- Employee Growth, Review Growth, Social Growth, and Web Growth
- Year-over-year change
Star Rating
The G2 Star Rating is calculated by aggregating reviewers' answers to our Likely to Recommend question (1–10 scale) and dividing the average in half.
You will see half stars because the visual is rounded up to the nearest half.