G2 Launches a New Category for Content Moderation Tools

January 31, 2024

As we step into the new year, we welcome several new software and service categories on G2 in order to keep pace with the evolving software landscape.

We’re excited to introduce our Content Moderation Tools category, which represents a very necessary technology for protecting online communities. 

Content moderation is similar to data governance, but the two concepts focus on managing different types of information. Content moderation is specific to managing user-generated content, while data governance is a broader term referring to managing all aspects of an organization’s data.

How content moderation tools work

These tools aid in the content moderation process by reviewing content that is posted online to identify and remove unsuitable or inappropriate content.

The software connects to the content source via an API and employs AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to automatically review various content types, such as text, images, video, and audio, and flags or removes any content deemed inappropriate.

Originally, content moderation was done manually.

Human moderators would review content to ensure it meets the guidelines and decide to publish it or reject it. This system lacked efficiency or consistency.

With advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, the moderation process became more streamlined but was still prone to errors and required human moderation on top of automated moderation. The newest moderation tools utilize advanced artificial intelligence in order to considerably improve precision and accuracy. 

AI models moderate AI-generated content

The amount of user-generated content being published with the aid of AI is growing exponentially. 

Much of this content is positive, useful, or instructional. However, given the correct prompts, AI is also capable of generating toxic or dangerous content. This makes it integral for online communities to moderate their content. However, implementing AI models to moderate this AI generated content can be problematic.

AI algorithms are developed based on the data they are provided. If this data is biased, the results may be biased. If the content is read by AI without context, the results may be inaccurate. 

Because of this, content moderation software provides users with an estimate of moderation accuracy and flags instances where human moderation may be required. Nonetheless, AI-based moderation tools eliminate the bulk of the tedious manual work traditionally associated with content moderation.

How G2 reviewers are using content moderation tools

An engineer in the accounting industry whose company uses a content moderation system for text moderation and audio moderation says

“[the] tool raises red flags to protect our platform.” 

Another professional from the information technology and services industry stated that they use a moderation tool to

“effectively manage the content flowing through our platforms and promote healthy behaviors.”  

Reviews left on G2 show that content moderation tools are helpful across several industries, business roles, and use cases. 

Looking forward

As generative AI helps to make content creation simpler, it starts to raise questions of content accuracy, safety, and appropriateness. 

Until AI companies are able to moderate content at the source, online organizations can anticipate an uptick in harmful and inappropriate content on their platforms. Content moderation tools will help businesses to create safe online environments and to maintain customer trust and loyalty.

Learn how to (actually) put customers first with user-generated content. 

Edited by Sinchana Mistry

Content Moderation Tools Software Protect your online community

Ensure your user-generated content meets your business’ guidelines with content moderation tools.

G2 Launches a New Category for Content Moderation Tools G2 launches a new category for businesses looking to regulate their user-generated content and ensure it meets their guidelines in order to ensure a safe online environment. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/content%20moderation%20tools.png
Priya Patel Priya is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 focusing on content management and design software. Priya leverages her background in market research to build subject matter expertise in the software space. Before moving back to Chicago in 2018, Priya lived in New Zealand for several years, where she studied at the University of Auckland and worked in consulting. In her free time, Priya enjoys being creative, whether it’s painting, cooking, or dancing. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/priya-patel.jpg https://www.linkedin.com/priyapatel924