Why We Are Merging the DDoS Protection and Cloud DDoS Mitigation Categories

From time immemorial, humans always had to find ways to deal with their fellow troublemakers.

An Introduction to G2’s New RFID Software Category

The supply chain and logistics space continues to evolve.

The Role of AI and ML in Travel Management Software

In recent years, the B2B travel industry has undergone a technological transformation.

What Is Image Recognition? Applications And Best Software

Recognizing the content of an image is easy for humans, not for machines.

SaaS Backup for Office 365: Ensuring Business Stability and ROI

While SaaS offers undeniable convenience and scalability, security remains a significant concern.

Navigating the Limitations of Legal AI: Where Human Insight Prevails

In 2023, the G2 legal team embarked on a journey to rapidly educate ourselves on the latest...

G2's Comments to the U.S. Copyright Office: Artificial Intelligence & Copyright

At G2, we embrace our role as a trusted guide on the impact of AI in B2B software. This extends to...

What Is TinyML? A Brief Introduction And Benefits

When you hear the word machine learning (ML), do you instantly picture a large room of servers,...

Introducing G2's New Employee Experience Category

From navigating a massive tech stack to feeling underappreciated and overworked, such feelings can...