Talogy Release Shows Talent Assessments Rule Recruiting in 2022

October 27, 2022

In late September 2022, Talogy launched its first learning system with the AIM Learning System pilot program. Traditionally Talogy provides talent assessments; however, the software company has recently reached new heights by adding microlearning, virtual classrooms, and even digital escape rooms to increase engagement while developing employee skills.

Talogy unleashes AIM Learning as talent assessments grow

This launch is the latest in a string of new developments for Talogy, which rebranded from PSI Talent Management in March of 2022. Talogy has also added a series of acquisitions—Cubiks, EB Jacobs, Innovative HR Solutions, JCA Global, OPRA, Performance Assessment Network, Propel, Select International, and Solvably—bringing the total number of acquisitions up to 16.

With a majority of industry shakeups, it’s clear that major change is coming. But what exactly does it mean? Let’s look at the data to find the answers.

G2 shows the growing importance of talent assessment software

In examining G2’s data, it is clear that there has been a recent explosion of relevance for Talent Assessment Software. The amount of reportable reviews has grown from 201 in 2018 to 1379 so far in 2022. That’s a massive increase from the previous years.

graph showing total reportable reviews for talent assessment software

While the number of reviews continues to rise, the number of months before a company sees a return on investment (ROI) is falling. While it took 13.93 months in 2018, the turnaround was much shorter in 2021 at 9.73 months before seeing a profit. So far, 2022 has seen that number increase, but it’s difficult to tell where this trend will continue, given that it’s only in October.

graph showing average time for ROI for talent assessment software

What does this show us? Well, for one, the number of reviewers has increased exponentially, indicating healthy growth in the talent assessment space. Secondly, the overall months to ROI are dropping, except for 2022 as a current outlier. Despite the one anomaly, organizations have gotten better and better at implementing talent assessments and making the purchases for the buyers work for them faster.

Find the best Talent Assessment Software, here.

What’s next for talent assessment?

What was once an industry merely responsible for ensuring competencies ahead of hiring has turned into a burgeoning business of investing in talent. Finding not just individuals who fit a strict requirements list but people who will grow into the role, fit in with the team, and jive with the company culture is a contemporary priority.

This is to say that assessment tests aren’t going anywhere soon. Instead, they’ll continue to evolve in the complex ways they measure future employee success. In an increasingly competitive market, good talent is worth its weight in gold.

Edited by Jigmee Bhutia

Talogy Release Shows Talent Assessments Rule Recruiting in 2022 As Talogy reaches into new learning frontiers with AIM Learning, the talent assessment software industry skyrockets in the recruiting market to usher in a new age of staffing. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/talent%20assessment-NF-GS.jpg
Grace Savides Grace Savides is a Senior Research Analyst who loves discussing all things HR. She enjoys exploring where the theory, policies, and data-driven side of the industry interacts with the unpredictable and ever-important human elements. Before G2, she worked in content marketing, social media, health care, and editing. She dedicates her leisure time to video games, painting, DND, and spending time with her wonderful boyfriend and two dogs. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/Grace%20Savides-1.png https://www.linkedin.com/in/grace-savides/