Analyzing G2's 2024 Spring Reports for PCB Design Software

June 7, 2024

Printed circuit board (PCB) design software is used across various industries, such as consumer electronics, automotive, industrial automation, medical devices, and more.

It helps create efficient electronic systems for various applications, from smartphones and computers to medical equipment and automotive electronics.

Choosing the right software can take time and effort due to the wide variety of solutions available in the market.

To ease the decision-making process, I have analyzed G2’s Spring 2024 Reports for PCB design software. Powered by user reviews, G2 released 12 reports for our PCB design category this season. These reports help buyers compare solutions, gather key insights in a structured format, and ultimately make informed decisions when selecting software.

This article will discuss the different PCB design software products and their rankings based on user reviews and key highlights of reports that companies interested in buying this software can factor into their decision-making process.

Top-ranked PCB design software in G2's Spring 2024 Grid® Reports

The table below shows the top-ranking products in G2's Spring 2024 Grid® Report for the PCB Design category.

The report shows a slight shift in the rankings of the top five overall category leaders since the Winter 2024® Grid Report. The most significant change is PADS Professional moving up to 3rd place from 11th, replacing Altium CircuitMaker in the top five.

Altium Designer and Altium 365 have maintained their positions as the number one and two software, respectively. The top five products show strong performance, with overall G2 scores between 70 and 95. Additionally, these products have impressive Market Presence scores, all falling within the range of 85 to 93. This demonstrates their solid standing in the market.

For those unversed, G2's Market Presence score helps determine how well a product or company is performing relative to competitors and its overall influence in the industry.

Tip: Read the research scoring methodologies to understand how products are ranked.

Notably, the top three products exhibit very high Satisfaction scores ranging from 70 to 99. This indicates overall high satisfaction and strong user approval.

The rankings for the small business and mid-market segments show little variation. In both segments, Allegro PCB Designer has been replaced by other products that are not featured in the top five of the overall segment. No report was published for the enterprise segment.

Understanding user satisfaction with simple six ratings

The table below displays customer ratings for the top five overall category leaders in the Spring 2024 Reports for PCB design software. These ratings are based on six simple metrics.

G2’s simple six satisfaction ratings help evaluate user satisfaction with the PCB design software based on reviews.

The top four products have received high Satisfaction ratings, often surpassing the category average in certain metrics. However, their scores were slightly below the category average for the Ease of Use metric.

High Satisfaction ratings for these products suggest users are pleased, but their lower Ease of Use scores indicate that these products may come with a steeper learning curve or require more effort to master. Buyers should consider their team's familiarity with similar software and their capacity for training when making a decision.

For vendors, the slight discrepancy between high Satisfaction ratings and lower Ease of Use scores presents an opportunity for improvement. Simplifying user interfaces and offering detailed tutorials can help address usability concerns and enhance the overall user experience.

Interestingly, all the products have received excellent ratings for the Quality of Support, which is a crucial factor when selecting new software. A software's user community and support resources can be invaluable for troubleshooting and learning about its features.

All products in the top five list primarily serve small businesses, followed by mid-market segments. While they do have enterprise buyers, more than 50% of the user base for Altium Designer, Altium 365, Fusion, and PADS Professional are from the small business segment.

A brief glance at the Spring 2024 Momentum Grid® Report for the PCB Design category reveals that Altium 365, despite being in second place, has a higher momentum score of 74 compared to Altium Designer, which holds the first position but has a lower score of 65. Even Altium CircuitMaker has a slightly higher momentum score of 66, although it doesn’t appear in the overall and mid-market segment lists.

Note: A momentum score measures a product's recent growth and market traction based on metrics like user reviews, web traffic, and social media activity.

If you are in the process of selecting PCB design software, you should thoroughly evaluate each option to see how well it meets your specific needs and expectations. Consider the company segments they serve and user ratings across various metrics.

Even if they are not in the top five, many other PCB design products could suit particular use cases based on specific company requirements. However, software products with a strong Market Presence and positive momentum scores often indicate long-term viability.

Choosing the right PCB design software fit based on the users’ industry

The graph below shows the top industries to which users of the top five overall PCB design software belong.

The usage of PCB design software varies across industries, with electrical/electronic manufacturing being the dominant sector for most tools, especially Altium Designer, Altium 365, and PADS Professional.

The automotive industry also sees significant usage, particularly with Fusion and Altium Designer. Consumer electronics is another key sector, notably for Altium Designer and Allegro PCB Designer.

The defense & space industry is a prominent user for PADS Professional and Allegro PCB Designer. Fusion stands out in the mechanical or industrial engineering industry.

To select the right PCB design software, you should first identify your industry's specific requirements to ensure the tool aligns with industry standards and compliance needs. 

Using G2's platform, you can also compare key features such as design rule checks, 3D modeling, library management, and customization capabilities. The 2024 G2 Spring Reports provide user ratings on these features, helping buyers like you make informed decisions.

Charting the course with G2 insights

The information above, and much more, is available on G2 through G2 reports and category pages, which include lists of the highest-rated and easiest-to-use products with detailed scores.

If you are still unsure about how you can decide on which software to go for, follow these steps:

  • Read user reviews: Delve into user reviews on G2 to understand the pros and cons of each software from the perspective of current users.
  • Compare alternatives: Use G2's AI tool, Monty, to compare multiple software options side-by-side based on various criteria. 
  • Consider integration needs: Check if the software integrates well with other tools and systems you are currently using or plan to use.
  • Look for value: Assess the overall value for money based on the features, performance, and pricing mentioned in the reviews. Prioritize scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth and evolving project demands.

With the right approach and careful evaluation, selecting the perfect PCB design software can significantly improve your electronic design projects and overall workflow.

Learn more about G2’s Spring 2024 Reports and how they serve as a guide for buyers’ unique business needs.

Edited by Jigmee Bhutia

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Analyzing G2's 2024 Spring Reports for PCB Design Software This article analyzes G2’s Spring 2024 Reports on PCB design software to help potential buyers make an informed decision.
Anindita Sengupta Anindita is a Senior Research Analyst at G2 specializing in cloud technologies, CAD & PLM software, and web hosting services. With over five years of experience in market research, Anindita has a proven track record of tracking, analyzing, sizing, and forecasting the industrial printer and B2B software markets. Her passion for technology and staying up-to-date with the latest software trends makes her an invaluable asset to B2B buyers and sellers of software. When she's not immersed in market research, Anindita loves to read and explore new destinations, constantly fueling her curiosity and creativity.