AI Research

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): What Is It And Types

Turn to page 6, paragraph 8, line 11. Imagine your computer being able to do this faster than you.

AI Research

What Is AI Generated Music? Best Music Tools for 2024

If Beethoven were alive to hear his 10th symphony composed by artificial intelligence, he would...

AI Research

What Is A Transformer Model And How Does It Work?

In the language industry, transformer models are driving innovation forward.

AI Research

ChatGPT Basics: Applications and Working Methodology

Human's ability to speak and write flawlessly is an outcome of evolution. As AI progresses, these...

AI Research

What Is AI Generated Text? Best Software To Use in 2024

In the 2023 movie Megan, a pre-trained humanoid, protects her friend Cady against all odds....

AI Research

What Are Machine Learning Models? How to Train Them

Raw data makes no sense. Making it business ready involves a lot of time, resources, and of course,...