Cloud, Dev & IT

WebOps Platforms Buyers Show Surprising Sentiment

WebOps platforms may not be a familiar idea for the average software buyer. As the name implies,...

Cybersecurity & Privacy

2023 Trends in DevSecOps Software

This post is part of G2's 2023 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital...

Cloud, Dev & IT

G2’s Release Notes Management Category Sees Major Growth

Last December, G2 launched its Release Notes Management Software category to represent products...

Cloud, Dev & IT

Automation and Collaboration in Focus at Salesforce’s TrailblazerDX 2022

Salesforce’s TrailblazerDX (TDX) 2022, a Salesforce developer conference at the end of April,...

Cloud, Dev & IT

G2 Launches Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) Software Category

The DevSecOps software space continues to evolve as product development teams work to adopt “secure...

Cloud, Dev & IT

The Looming Metaverse and What It Means for Software Development

With Facebook rebranding to launch the metaverse under the new name Meta last year, the tech...

Cloud, Dev & IT

DevSecOps Trends in 2022

This post is part of G2's 2022 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital...

Cloud, Dev & IT

Trends 2021 Followup: No-Code And Low-Code Market Signals

It’s been over six months since G2 published its 2021 digital trends series. That means more than...

Technology Research

Site Reliability Engineers and the Software That Supports Them

Digital transformation efforts have become more like digital transformation mandates in the tech...