ERP & Commerce Research

Tableau Conference 2023 Shows the Future of Supply Chain Analytics

I attended Salesforce’s Tableau Conference 2023 (TC23) from May 9 to May 11, which revealed a new...

ERP & Commerce Research

Announcing G2’s New Logistics Intelligence Software Category

G2 just launched the Logistics Intelligence Software category to reflect the burgeoning use of...

ERP & Commerce Research

G2 Launches Categories for Load Boarding and Shipping Insurance Software

The market research department aims to make G2 the first place buyers go for logistics software. To...

ERP & Commerce Research

2023 Trends in the Supply Chain Industry

This post is part of G2's 2023 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital...

ERP & Commerce Research

How G2 Helps Supply Chain Vendors Seize Market Momentum

The COVID-19 pandemic permanently altered the fabric of society, and the supply chain is no...

Analyst Commentary: Applications Research

Barriers Toward Adopting AI and Analytics in the Supply Chain

I recently attended the Tableau Conference, where I indulged my nerdiness for four days. As a...

Research News Feed

Tableau Cloud, Other Advanced Features Announced at Tableau Conference 2022

Leadership at Tableau, one of the world’s largest data visualization tools, unveiled innovations to...

Application Research

Ukraine Crisis Poses a New Threat to the Global Supply Chain

In G2’s 2022 Digital Trends, I discussed the difficulties facing the global supply chain and...

Research Blogs

How to Choose a Data Science and Machine Learning Platform That’s Right For Your Business

Big data is the zeitgeist of the 21st century. The sheer volume of data available to businesses,...