Grace Savides is a Senior Research Analyst who loves discussing all things HR. She enjoys exploring where the theory, policies, and data-driven side of the industry interacts with the unpredictable and ever-important human elements. Before G2, she worked in content marketing, social media, health care, and editing. She dedicates her leisure time to video games, painting, DND, and spending time with her wonderful boyfriend and two dogs.
Upskilling and reskilling your workforce has never been more important. Companies that invest in...
How much should I pay my employees? This is a question that companies pour hours and countless...
This post is part of G2's 2025 digital trends series. Read more about G2’s perspective on digital...
One of the biggest headaches in business is finding the right people.
It’s Monday morning. You’re at your desk, coffee in one hand, a massive water bottle near the...
From navigating a massive tech stack to feeling underappreciated and overworked, such feelings can...
Is there a need for a paradigm shift toward the separation of performance and learning in HR?
Picture this. It’s 8 a.m., and disaster has already struck. You’re a hiring manager or a recruiter....
This post is part ofG2's 2024 technology trendsseries. Read more about G2’s perspective on...