Gabriel’s background includes more than 15 years of experience in all aspects of business software selection and implementation. His research work has involved detailed functional analyses of software vendors from various areas such as ERP, CRM, and HCM. Gheorghiu holds a Bachelor of Arts in business administration from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (Romania), and a master's degree in territorial project management from Université Paris XII Val de Marne (France).
The software conference season is in full swing, and the most notable recent ERP events were ...
The e-commerce software market experienced significant changes in the past quarter caused by market...
FinancialForce recently announced its new services-as-a-business (SaaB) platform that aims to...
It's 2022, and fully automated factories and warehouses are now a reality.
The fact that social media is critical for e-commerce is obvious. There are billions of users on...
Many things have happened in the e-commerce world since I started my new monthly recap only a month...
Subscription management solutions provider Paddle acquired ProfitWell last week, intending to...
The e-commerce software market is going through unprecedented changes as it reaches maturity....
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is probably one of the most mature software markets, which...