Why mBaaS Is Essential to Mobile Development

Software development, especially for mobile applications, can be a long and complicated process. ...

K Nearest Neighbor or KNN Algorithm And It's Essence in ML

Algorithms drive the machine learning world.

Natural Language Processing 101: What It Is and How It Works

I used Grammarly to help me write this piece.

Generative AI: Popularity Breeds Security Risks

Generative AI is an artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content...

What Is A Transformer Model And How Does It Work?

In the language industry, transformer models are driving innovation forward.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Types, Definition And Examples

Remember Sophia, the humanoid that appeared on the late-night show with Jimmy Fallon?

Wider Interest in AR/VR Seems to Decline Amid AI Hype

Remember last year when augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the “metaverse” were some...

Understanding Regulations Before Embracing AI in HR

Can AI technologies increase your business’s vulnerability to anti-discrimination lawsuits? ...

G2 Introduces New Real-time Analytic Databases Category

With organizations getting data rich each day, the conversation around real-time databases is...