BlackLine’s The Bottom Line Conference and Digital Transformation

On September 11, 2024, I had the opportunity to attend a conference sponsored by BlackLine, a...

AI Code Generation Drives Developer Interest in AI

It’s no secret that AI remains at the top of buyers' minds in the B2B tech space. According to G2’s...

Introducing G2’s New AI Content Creation Platforms Category

Generative AI solutions are popping up like wildfire to address all sorts of content needs, from AI...

Introducing G2's New Software Licensing Management Category

Selling software is challenging, but managing the software licenses sold to your customers is even...

Introducing G2's New Global Hiring Services Category

One of the biggest headaches in business is finding the right people.

Key Insights from G2's Summer 2024 Report for Market Intelligence Software

Now that summer is coming to an end, we’re excited to share some key findings from our...

Introducing G2’s New Auto Shop Management Category

Running an auto repair shop involves more than just fixing cars.

Navigating the Landscape of Regulations with Regulatory Change Management Software

New technological developments and their associated threats are growing at a rate never seen before.

Key Insights from G2’s 2024 Healthcare ROI Survey

Every year, G2 publishes its Buyer Behavior Report, based on an annual survey of more than 1,900...