What Is TinyML? A Brief Introduction And Benefits

When you hear the word machine learning (ML), do you instantly picture a large room of servers,...

Collab Tech and Its Impact on Who Gets to Work Remotely

Collaboration software was already a hot topic, then the COVID-19 outbreak happened.

How to Balance Consumer Privacy and Personalization in Marketing

Every day, consumers are inundated with generic advertisements on billboards, subway ads, and TV...

AWS re:Invent Extends the Cloud and Empowers Digital Transformation

Amazon Web Services’ annual gathering in Las Vegas, re:Invent, continues to grow both in terms of...

How Project-Based Software Helps Companies

Most tasks we do at work are either process or project-based. Processes are made of repetitive...

An Amazonian Challenge: The Year of Cloud Partnerships

No one should be surprised that Amazon owns the lion’s share of the cloud computing market.

What Is DevSecOps, and How Is It Different from DevOps?

The golden age of DevOps software best practices has settled upon us like a cozy blanket of...

Work Communications Surveillance and Accountability

In early December, The Verge published a tell-all piece on Away, a direct-to-consumer luggage...

The Things Have Eyes: An Introduction to IoT

A moment, if you will, to appreciate that name, the “internet of things.”