The fields of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) have always thrived on...
Working from home is a trend that’s been gaining traction for some time, with a growth of 159% in...
With the world economy feeling the pressure and stress caused by the COVID-19 crisis, one of the...
Most tasks we do at work are either process or project-based. Processes are made of repetitive...
About seven years ago, 3D printing was all the rage. For a few months, even years, it was one of...
Most Industry 4.0 success stories mention large multinational companies such as GE or ABB.
The time has come. Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means...
In my previous column, we explored the various ways building information modeling (BIM) software...
The concept of automation is straightforward: create tools that perform tasks with minimal human...